Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Air Quality in Marin

The air quality in Marin County is as good as it gets.  There isn’t a threat to anyone, even babies are people with allergies, and it is healthy to go outside and excersize in the air.  The main types of pollutants in the county are very small.  They are called ‘PM 2.5’s’, which means particulate matter that is 2.5  micrometers or less in diameter.  Because these particles are so small they cannot be accumulated in the lungs. 
            PM 2.5’s are generally emmited from cars and industrial sites.  The main way these particles are emitted in Marin is from gasoline combustion in cars.  There are not many factories, if any, in Marin, which means that there are much fewer harmful particles in the air.  In marin the PM 2.5 level is usually from 0-50, which is very healthy.  Although as many as 800,000 people can die per year due to outdoor pollutants, and many organisms have difficulty surviving with low oxygen levels or high particulate levels, Marin County’s air does not pose a serious threat to anything. 

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